You see, earlier in October (before my last posting) I was cleaning up my desk area to prepare for my mother coming to visit. Well my desk and floor are always a wreck; between stray beads and things rolling off, and having a cat who finds it highly fun to intentionally knock things over. My desk is a playground for him.
My foot knocked a small pile of beads next to my desk and I felt a horrible sharp pain in my foot. When I looked to see what it was I saw nothing sharp...except maybe a star shaped bead tip. I looked at my foot and I only had a barely visible cut. I shrugged it off, even though it hurt. About two days later, I was in tears. On October 31st I got into the doctor to finally have them do a check up and some x-rays. I thought it was crazy that such a small bead tip could have hurt my foot so badly.
I remember sitting in the x-ray room talking with the technician as he took the images, and he turns around the corner grining and says, "We don't normally let people look at their x-rays this early...but I think you should get a look at this!" He looked like an excited kid who just got the coolest present in the world. I looked the picture and my jaw probably hit the floor. I obviously had one of my John James' size 12 or 13 beading needles lodged deep into my foot. There was no mistaking it. You could even see the eye of the needle in the x-ray. Great...for Halloween I got to be Frankenstein! That day I had to shuffle around from doctor's office to doctor's office. I thought it was really hillarious how all of the doctor's looked like it was Christmas!
I was stuck walking around for two more weeks in a 'moon boot' like device to keep my foot flat and unmoving until my surgery. It has been so weird having to endure questions about it and explain sheepishly that I stepped on a needle. The one question that keeps making me laugh is when people ask me how I managed to do that. It can be tempting to make up silly answers for such a silly question!! I finally got my surgery and everything went well. It's having a hard time healing on me and it still hurts quite a bit, so I may be stuck in my surgery boot for another two weeks or so...but I am so happy it is out.
I thought I was very careful before with storing the needles. We think that Rory, the Beady-Eyed monster cat knocked over a project box of mine and the needle got out. I used to love being barefoot, I hate shoes. I think my feelings are going to change now...
So ladies and gents, make sure your needles are securely stashed! I may love beading and jewelery making a ton...but I never want it to be that much of a part of me again!
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